Unlike winters, when summers come people tend to neglect the skin since the hot and humid weather makes our skin less itchy and dry. However, they tend to forget that the scorching heat, pollution, humidity, and other factors actually affect the natural glow of the skin and even can cause unwanted infections. This is why it’s even more important to take care of your skin in the summers than in the winters.
To make sure that you don’t face these skin problems in the summer, you need to follow some tips. While using high-quality skin care products, like qusome proprietary biosphere can help you take good care of your skin in all weather conditions, there are many other tips that you can follow in addition to using the qusome proprietary biosphere that can help you take care of your skin.
Here are some tips that you need to follow to have great skin in the summers:
Apply sunscreen even on days that are cloudy
Most of the skin problems in the summers happen due to sunburns even on hot cloudy days. The sun’s burning rays are proficient and powerful enough to damage your skin cells. This is why it’s recommended that you use sunscreen on your face whenever you go out. You need to make sure that the sunscreen that you use has an SPF level of at least 30. Also, you need to reapply the sunscreen ideally after every 90 minutes, to make sure that it stays on your face all the time.
Exfoliate once or twice a week
Having dead cells on the surface of your skin makes it look dry, rough, and dull. This is why it’s recommended that you exfoliate your skin at least once a week to remove those dead cells. It will make sure that your skin gets back its radiance and it also helps in keeping your skin young and healthy in the summers. Make sure you use a gentle and natural exfoliator to make sure it doesn’t cause any harm to the skin.
Drink lots of water
Keeping your body hydrated not only helps in the general well-being of the body, it also helps in flushing out the toxins from your body and skin as well. Drinking lots of water also helps in keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized from the inside, which makes sure that the natural radiance and firmness of the skin stay intact. It’s recommended that you at least drink 8-ounce glasses of water every day to keep your skin healthy and young.